Curriculum of Studies

The academic year starts in early September and ends in late June. From September to April, students attend high level lectures and workshops in small groups supervised by a practicing engineer. Then from April to June, they are involved in several full scale projects.


About 800 hours of HIGH LEVEL LECTURES AND WORKSHOPS divided into six groups of subjects:

Materials :
Soil mechanics - Concrete - Reinforcing steel - Structural steel.

Structural analysis:
Applied strength of materials - Structural analysis using computers - Dynamic analysis - Instability - Plastic structural analysis.

Analysis and design of structural elements:
Reinforced concrete structures - Prestressed concrete structures - Steel structures - Composite steel and concrete structures.

Design of structures:
Special foundations - Buildings - Bridges - Industrial structures (frames, tanks, silos ...) - Offshore structures.

Particular techniques for buildings:
Acoustical problems - Roofing - Walls and partitions.

The computer as a tool for the engineer:
Using computers and software for structural analysis, reinforced concrete and steel design - Cost estimate.

INTERNATIONAL EMPHASIS: In all lectures and workshops, particular emphasis is given to international works. Various national codes are studied and applied in comparative examples.


That period of time is entirely dedicated to several full scale projects (building design and construction, prestressed concrete or steel bridge design and site planning, etc.). All projects deal with real constructions that have recently been built by the major French companies either in France or abroad. The project supervisors are technical managers presently active in those firms.


Par Dominique Vié le 30/11/2016 à 15:45 • Lien permanent


Options de recherche

Le CHEC a été créé en 1957 par les Professionnels du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics.

Il a pour mission de former chaque année soit de jeunes universitaires ou Ingénieurs terminant leurs études, soit des Ingénieurs d'Entreprise désirant étendre leurs compétences.

A la suite de ce cycle de 10 mois, ou 16 mois avec un stage, les diplômés sont immédiatement capables de prendre en charge la conception technique et l'exécution des ouvrages les plus élaborés, en France comme dans le monde.

Accès rapides